Thursday, September 10, 2015

Russian Icon Tour Part 17 Tallinn

This morning we squandered an hour booking hotel and ferry to Helsinki.  We spent another hour swapping some just-purchased heavy items for light ones, and swapping our rubles for euro. Now we have less weight to carry, and more cash to spend. 

Finally, we began our daily 10k walkabout. 

We saw Old Town, parks, 2 churches, a few stores, etc. and we shuffled around a big shopping mall too. 

We've seen lots of interesting homes and small blocks of flats, just in our neighborhood. 

It was quiet and peaceful here in our $50/night studio, until a tractor showed up around noon. Here's a look at our neighborhood now under siege. 

Ours is the darker brown building. 

They are digging up the driveway across the street, while the longest-armed window washer ever! is working on the other side of our place.  

This well fenced building is the British Embassy in Estonia. I'm not going to provoke the guards by getting a close shot of the front entrance. 

Here are other photos of buildings within a 2-block radius of our place:

We are here. 

Soon we will be heading to a private 
 house, for a BBQ and to look at another icon collector's collection.