We left last time with the scaffolding being erected in St. Anthony church's dome. The scaffolding has now been locked in place, the floor is protected with plastic, ropes and electric cords hung, and work has begun.
The painters have spread their supplies out and started working.
I was astonished to see a canvas on the wall where they had begun to outline some of the figures that will appear around the dome. These are approximately life size.
I could see that there had been some work done on the dome too. But the scaffolding is in the way. After finding the crew and Father John in the dining room, I got permission to go aloft with the camera.
Here's what I found on the walls of the dome. Cherubim or Seraphim? I'm not sure.
And on the ceiling of the dome, the spaces were delineated, backgrounds painted in a few thin coats of cream, and Christ's likeness begun in several layers of different colors. Remember this is directly over the head of the artist, standing on 4 layers of scaffolding.
I wasn't the only one who was curious to see the progress. After Father John took a look, we both decided that the fewer trips made up those ladders to the shaky scaffolding, the better.
and those on the iconostasis (done by another artist).